We help candidates and causes earn voices & votes.

We value your authentic desire to serve the community, that’s why Voices & Votes is here to help you get the W.

What we do

Campaign Strategy: Establishing campaign priorities, organizing staff and vendors, and voter contact planning.

Campaign Design: Candidate brand positioning and messaging, walkcards, mail program, yard signs, videos, advertising placement, and social media.

Polling, Data & Analytics: Research & reporting, voter data strategy, constituent engagement optimization

With strategic media and messaging, we will help your campaign or cause reach its full potential.

Running for office and winning elections starts with VV.

Voices and Votes offers a wide range of solutions and services that can fit any campaign. From ballot initiatives, statewide campaigns to local candidates.

Running a campaign to WIN is our core philosophy, and that’s just what Voices & Votes does, Win!


GENERAL CONSULTANT (GC): This is the all-encompassing service to your campaign, we assist you in formulating a winning plan, effective message, formidable team, and accurate targeting, letting the candidate excel in what they do best.

Services: Campaign planning, messaging, design, video, targeting, accountability, budgeting, scheduling, volunteers, vendors, staff, polling, pivoting, voter contact, research, media, crisis management, candidate mentorship, debate prep, branding, and the sometimes-needed kick in the ass.

SPECIFIC CONSULTANT: Voices & Votes can also be added to a campaign team already established to use our expertise in a specified area that fits the needs of your team. Working well in the sandbox with other, bring us in to help fill deficiencies not being fully realized by your current team. Let us partner to assist your team.

We can provide any or as many of the services listed above to meet the needs and financial limitations of your team.

CAMPAIGN AUDIT: If you have a team you like, but want an outside review to assist you in making the best decisions, Voices & Votes is your team to provide an honest review and audit of your campaign plan and provide recommendations to get your campaign back on track.